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How To Create Your Unique Voice

branding knowledge Feb 15, 2023

Having a strong brand voice and tone is crucial to connecting with your target audience and effectively communicating your brand's message. But how do you go about finding your brand's unique voice and tone? Here are a few steps to get started:

Define Your Brand Personality: What is the personality of your brand? Is it quirky, serious, playful, professional, etc.? Your brand's personality will inform your tone and voice, so it's important to define it upfront. In case you didn't know...You are your brand! If you represent a corporate brand your behavior must align with it for it to be congruent. However, today I'm speaking to you as a personal brand:

  • Be yourself.

This is probably the most important piece of advice when it comes to finding your brand voice. Don’t try to be something you’re not – be genuine and authentic, and let your personality shine through. People will appreciate the honesty, and it will help them connect with your brand on a deeper level.

  • Know your audience.

Before you can find your brand voice, you first need to know who your target audience is. What are their interests? What do they care about? What kinds of things do they like to read/watch/listen to? Once you have a better understanding of who they are, you can start crafting content that resonates with them.

  • Be consistent.

Once you’ve found your brand voice, make sure to be consistent with it across all of your content. This will help create a unified brand identity for your audience to connect with. If you switch things up too often, people will get confused and may lose interest.

  • Be creative.

Your brand voice doesn’t have to be boring or bland – in fact, it should be the opposite! Be creative and expressive, and let your personality shine through. This will help grab people’s attention and keep them engaged with your content.

  • Have fun with it!

Remember, finding your brand voice should be an enjoyable process. Don’t get too stressed out about it – just let the words flow and have fun with it. The more fun you have, the better your content will be. And who knows, you might just end up falling in love with your brand voice too.

Write Your Brand Voice and Tone Guidelines: Once you have a good understanding of your target audience, brand personality, competitors, and other brands you admire, it's time to write your brand voice and tone guidelines. These guidelines should outline the tone and language you want to use in your communications, as well as any rules you want to follow (e.g. no slang, always use active voice, etc, this works for corporate brands too).

Look at Your Competitors: Take a look at how your competitors are communicating with their target audience. What are they doing well, and what can you do differently to stand out? You don't want to copy your competitors, but you can learn from them and find ways to differentiate yourself.

Get Inspired by Other Brands: Take inspiration from other brands you admire and look at how they use language and tone in their communications. Note what you like and what you don't like, and think about how you can apply these insights to your own brand.

Test and Refine: Finally, test your brand voice and tone in various communications, and see how your target audience responds. Refine your guidelines based on what you learn and keep testing until you're confident in your brand voice and tone.

Having a strong brand voice and tone helps you connect with your target audience, build trust, and stand out in a crowded market. By following these steps, you can find your brand's unique voice and tone and start communicating more effectively with your audience. And don't forget to be consistent in your messaging, and have fun with it!

Remember, the goal is to find a brand voice that reflects who you are as a business and a tone that connects with your target audience. So don't be afraid to experiment, and have fun with it! And when in doubt, always err on the side of being authentic and true to your brand.


You know that you need to find your brand voice, but you don't know where to start. It can be tough to find your brand's voice. After all, you want to make sure it's engaging, interesting, and most importantly, persuasive.

The Brand Voice Worksheet will show you how to find your brand's voice and make sure it's on point. With this worksheet, you'll be able to create a powerful and persuasive voice for your brand that will help you stand out from the competition.


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