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How To Build A Personal Brand

branding knowledge Feb 01, 2023

I’m going to teach you how to build a personal brand that’ll help you stand out in the world of entrepreneurship. Today, I’m going to share with you some tips on how to build your brand. Everybody wants one, but not everybody knows what it takes or where they should start. So let’s get started.

Today we’ll be discussing the different topics and concepts in personal branding, more specifically, where do we start? Hey, you might already have a brand, or you might be thinking about it or you might even be on the struggle bus. I’m just saying… it’s okay. We’re going to learn together. So, let’s get that bus out of here, and get right into this. We’re going to talk about what personal branding is. Here’s the main thing. It is much more than a flashy logo or a color palette… Way more than that. It’s who you are and what you do. It represents yourself online, offline, and everything that you are to your ideal audience. It’s a promise that you’re keeping to your clients. It’s all-encompassing, it’s everything, and has everything to do with who you are.

The Power of Personal Branding

Did you know that having a personal brand is power? Did you know that? Here is what having a personal brand can do for you. It allows you to stand out from the competition so much so that you can even charge a premium price. It highlights your expertise. It helps you attract an ideal audience or who your ideal client is. It increases your visibility. It puts you in charge of the narrative. If you set out in front so that you know exactly who you are and what you stand for, you control the narrative. It shapes the content that you share. Once again, you control the narrative. It also helps you connect with more people and more individuals. It can also help you become an influencer and highlight your uniqueness and talents. So if you didn’t already know, YOU are your brand. Now, let’s go ahead and jump into the need for perspective.

Let’s take a moment to analyze how far you’ve come and where are you going. This is all about your why. It isn’t a one-and-done kind of thing, this is something that you probably should do maybe once or even twice a year. If you’re an established business, or new to the game and looking for a starting point, take this opportunity to reflect on where you are now. This is sort of a litmus test to make sure that you’re still on the right track. Sometimes you might need to make little tweaks as needed just to kind of course-correct to keep you on the right track. The big idea here is to remember your why. Why did you start in the first place, whether you’re in business or you’re a professional, why did you start in the first place, what matters to you? Is it the same as it was at the beginning of your journey? What do you want to achieve? There are so many more questions here, and those answers will help you clarify matters to you and what direction you want to take. So now let’s talk about your mission.

What Is Your Mission?

Your mission is what gives you clarity. If you don’t have a clear mission, everything else is fuzzy. So I’m gonna take a moment to jump into what your mission is. Your mission… should you choose to accept is this… your mission is the driving force of your business. It is your values on display. Everything that you stand for is what your mission involves. Also, if you have a business, this is why your employees come to work. This is your business’s purpose. You might be a professional and might not have a business. Your mission is your purpose. Your mission is the foundation of everything. If it’s unstable, you’re not going to be very productive. So next, we’re going to talk about defining your brand and we’re not talking about colors, logos, or anything like that.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I am crazy for leopard print, seriously, that is part of my brand. I am known everywhere in these streets as the leopard lady. So what do you want to be known for? I’ll ask you that question again later. There are so many questions when it comes to defining your brand. So, first and foremost, who are you anyway? No seriously? What unique skills do you have? What are your core values? What are you most passionate about? What would you like to accomplish both professionally and personally? What do you want to be known for? I know there are so many questions. Who can you most effectively help? And what benefits does your skillset provide? Who’s your target audience?

What Is Your Unique Value Proposition?

Now here’s another thing that we can help you create, what is your unique value proposition, some people call it a UVP or unique service proposition (USP). Did you know that there’s a formula for that? It’s super easy. Your unique value proposition or unique service proposition sums up your brand in one single, powerful, compelling statement that describes exactly what you do for your audience. It goes a little, something like this…

I help (target person) to achieve (X) so that they can, (whatever the outcome is). Super, simple. So here is an example. I help working moms stay on top of everything and live a fulfilled life. Easy right… Well, here is mine. My name is Michelle Lawrence with LBC Branding. I help you stand out so that you could make your MARK in the world. The way I do that is with my MARK method which stands for Mindset, Authenticity, Revenue, and Knowledge. I do that via classes and social learning just like this. So what are you waiting for? It’s time for you to make YOUR mark! See how simple that was. I know mine was a mouthful and I committed it to memory, but you need to be able to do the same thing too… Back to this.

What Is Your Brand Culture?

Let’s talk about defining your brand’s culture. What are your values? Every brand has a culture, whether you know it or not, it is your values on display. So here are some questions to consider. Is your brand funny? Is it more reserved? Is it inclusive? Is it isolating? Is it peaceful? Is it polarizing? Is it warm and friendly? Is it mediocre and tepid? These are some questions regarding what your values are, and we will dig a little bit deeper into that as we get to that section. So now we’re going to go ahead and put this all together.

So time to recap, your mission is a clear statement that keeps you on track. Your brand is your uniqueness, it’s what sets you apart. Your culture must be healthy. It should be healthy to cultivate brand loyalty. You want to attract the people that you want to serve. So the moral of the story is… The more you focus on your brand, the more visible you become. The more you connect with others, the more you become an expert in your field, and the more opportunities will come your way. And the more you can focus on building it, the greater results you’ll have. So, so simple.

I’m so excited that you were able to stop by today and we can dive right into all of this information. Coming up next is a need for perspective. So we’re going to dive into what that looks like in the next blog. If you love these blogs and you want to support the site, this is how you can do it. We’ve got merch! I’m so excited. Go to and you’ll be able to get our awesome merch, so check us out now.

I want to leave you with one thing, this is going to be our question of the day. What is the one thing you want to be known for? If you’re brave enough, leave it in the comments below.


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